Vaginal Birth after C-sec predicts future success

Vaginal Birth after C-sec predicts future success

A woman who has had one successful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery is even more likely to succeed during subsequent trials of vaginal birth, new research suggests.


"Women planning large families ... should be reassured by the increasing success rates and decreasing risks associated with VBAC attempts in successive pregnancies," Mercer and his associates conclude.

I am happy to see this! My vbac journey also happened to begin my doula journey (although you could also say it began with my cesarean birth). I am unimaginably glad that I vbac'd and had a great care provider who helped me gain confidence.

Although Pittsburgh has its challenges for pregnant women, it seems like every day I hear about another awesome story about some doctor who tells a mom that VBAC is an excellent option that statistically has excellent outcomes, or a wonderful nurse in the women's hospital who took the time to help a new mom breastfeed, or a pediatrician who doesn't like to circumcise, or a midwife who goes above and beyond the call, or a doula who helps a dad-to-be gain confidence to be a wonderful labor partner.