Vegetarian Three Sisters Stuffed Squash

To supplement our income and keep my mind active I've started submitting content online.

Check out my recently published content on AC:
Vegetarian Three Sisters Stuffed Squash


How has it been two months already since Charlie's birth? What a whirlwind. In addition to just the major adjustment of adding a new person to our family and family and friends visiting, Chim has started Pre-K in the public schools. She's adorable, wearing a uniform and pink princess backpack, and loving school 5 times a week for 6 hours a day -- I am proud that she's doing so well with such a long day! Badger continues to make great progress in his speech therapies. He is putting 3-4 words together and will be starting a Head Start program after his 3rd birthday... which is in a MONTH. They're all getting so grown up!

And Charlie... he's still super baby. As Dooce describes Marlo, Charlie is also the kind of kid who makes me want to just have a dozen more just like him but I too have experienced less easy babies, and we're not rolling the dice again! He's sleeping like a champ at night and nursing so well -- and subsequently growing like a weed.

Ted Kennedy, Lactivist

I ran across this blog post
Senator Edward Kennedy: The Lactivist
and thought it was so interesting.

I had the honor of having Ted Kennedy as my senator for eight years. He will be missed.