Back to the blog.

It's been a while. Things have been crazy, or more to the point, I have.

We've gone on a few trips -- to see the inlaws, to the National Zoo, to visit my fam. My brother and his wife have been having some drama, and as much as I love my mom, she's getting pretty batty lately, and a lot of memories from my past have made me really take a good look at our relationship. Mr. Sweetie's been very busy at work, Badger is still waking up at night (and he has 4 teeth, all on the bottom!), and Chim Chim decided just yesterday that it's time to potty train (my house smells like a pet store right now), and I suspect I'm having some female problems. I also missed a chance to go to my first birth as a doula... my career as which we've had to re-evaluate whether it fits well into my family's life. Oh, and a 100-foot-tree fell on our house.

All of which have made me feel pretty crappy emotionally and I've started going to counselling. I need to figure my shit out, proto.