Spirituality/religion as a doula

We're "nothing" here in the Karen household. Or as we like to say, secular humanists. I was raised in a religious upbringing, my husband was not. As I came into adulthood, my experiences and exposure to different people and ideas changes my views on some important social teachings of the faith of my upbringing and I couldn't any longer, "in good faith," remain part of that religion.

It really surprises me that I'm so frequently asked about my faith, as a doula. I've been asked about my faith before being asked about my experience or philosophy about birth! I try to understand that a prospective client is PROBABLY asking in order to see if I would judge her for incorporating her spirituality into the birth, since I've never misrepresented my beliefs and it's never driven a client away. The way I feel about it is, if it helps a woman be more comfortable/strong/herself in labor, she can dance the Charleston -- whatever works, I'll meet her there!