Badger is 18 months old (and 2 days)

We're visiting the inlaws so time has become a bit crunched. On Badger's half-birthday, on the 27th, we took a cruise on Lake Tahoe. Just beautiful!

Anyway, my Badger Boy...

He's getting VERY independent and is determined to do anything by himself that he thinks he can -- and to his credit, his judgment is pretty solid there. He can climb like a monkey and scream like a banshee. However, still no words but uh-oh and vroom, and we're looking forward to the next step in getting him evaluated for a delay. I'm looking forward to hearing him say Mama!

He still LOVES cars and trains, as well as the princess toys his sister is always playing with. They're buddies, those two. They're playing especially well together this week while we're visiting their grandparents. He did very well on his first night without Mom and Dad, when we went down to one of the casinos for an overnight. He's such an affectionate little guy and he can really give some great cuddles and hugs.