Breast-Feeding Protected Mice from Asthma

Breast-Feeding Protected Mice from Asthma

Breast-feeding helped protect baby mice from developing allergic asthma, a new study found.

The mice that were breast-fed by mothers that had been exposed to an allergen "inherited" the allergen and developed tolerance to it.

A lot of folks are talking about reframing the way we talk about formula and breastmilk, in that breastmilk should be the standard and formula should be the other. So instead of saying, "Breastmilk helps prevent asthma," one should say, "Formula puts children at risk for asthma."

I don't know exactly how I feel about that. I guess I'm just a positive person (ha) and framing things in a positive way just seems, well, nicer. There are more important things than being nice, though.