Mean people... not my favorite.

I shouldn't let myself get all worked up about blogs I read. I really shouldn't. I should know that if someone says something to the effect of, if you want to be an idiot and suffer through natural childbirth without an epidural, that's your call, then we probably won't agree on what color the sky is. But he was characterizing the film "Business of Being Born" based on the trailer alone. I didn't like that. I didn't think it was fair. I was polite and direct and suggested that he comment on the film and those who produced and directed it only after seeing it. He and who I assume is his brother, brother-in-law, or some family member, were sort of totally not cool. He accused me of being delusional, a cry-baby, narrow-minded (ME!!!!), and brainwashed.

Listen, dude -- I was raised Catholic. I know brainwashing when I see it. And if you can't understand that saying that someone is an idiot is name-calling, then you should talk to my 3 year old because she understands it.

I ended up banging my head up against a wall. This blogger thinks I'm a nutjob and the feeling is mutual. You just can't win for trying some days.