Attended my first Cesarean birth (well, since Chim Chim's birth that is!) tonight. Mom E. had been feeling off all day, was having some contractions, and wasn't confident that she'd been feeling Baby move enough, so went in to be observed. Got a call from Dad S. that E was having a Cesarean section and to please come.
I got there as Dad was waiting to go into ER and filled me in -- baby's heart rate went very high and that was the reason they were given for the Cesarean section. I was able to be in the OR as well. Mom was just in a state of shock but excited to meet her baby. When Baby G was born, it was discovered that she had a quadruple nuchal cord -- that explains a few things! Baby was fine, with great APGARS, and just beautiful! Surgery went well. Mom got a cramp in her shoulder from tension and the "Braveheart" posture that she was in during the birth. So I did lots of rubbing the knot in her shoulder.
Welcome to the world, Baby G, on the first day of spring!
glad everything turned o/ well in the end:0)
Keep up the good work.
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